Tuesday 31 January 2012

Milad UN Nabi (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam)

Mawlid Season
        I Seek refuge in Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), from the Shaitan.
      In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
         Islam has two primary sources, the Quran, and the authentic Traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
That explains and sometimes expands on that of the Quran.
Bismillah Al-Hamdu lillah WA salatu WA Salamu 'ala Rasulullah

Sallallaahu 'Alayh
Allah's blessings be upon him
Allahumma Sali WA Sallam 'Alayh
Allah's blessings and peace be upon him.

The spiritual benefits of reciting these salawat are obviously immeasurable.

Mawlid Barzanji is in 'Arabi, it has been translated into Kiswahili by Mzee bin Ali Muhammad from the Comoro Islands of Africa,
It is printed in Singapore,
 Its introduction is in the Indonesian language in the Java dialect,
It has been transcribed by Mawlana Uthman Abdulkarim Nasserpuri Rahmatullahi 'alayh of Kenya,
It has been applauded in Zikr-e-Habib (Remembrance of the Beloved Prophet) by Ad-Daa'ee al-Kamil Mawlana Abdul 'Aleem Siddiq,
Rahmatullahi 'alayh, who incidentally composed salaams in Urdu,
It has been reproduced in countless other kutub (books) including Baaqatun 'Atirah (A Perfumed Bouquet) of Imam as-Sayyidi Muhammad 'Alhawi al-Maliki of Makkah,
And it is recited from Makkah to Africa, from Madina to Singapore,
From Arafat to Jakarta and from Mina to U.K., that is throughout the world by Muslims of all the four Madhab and all Taariqan.

Mawlid al-Nabi in 2012 is on Saturday, February 4/5

Celebrate the birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), Spread his message of love and Islam to all you know.

Muslims celebrate Mila un-Nabi by gathering together to send salutations to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), to give charity to the poor, and to remember the birth and virtues of the Prophets.

In the countries where Milad un-Nabi in a carnival manner,
Homes and mosques are decorated, and street processions are held.
 Charity and food is distributed, stories about the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),'s life are told,
And children recite poetry. Qasida al-Burdah Sheriff (the "Poem of the Mantle"),
The famous 13th Century poem, composed by the eminent Sufi, Imam al-Busiri, is recited by scholars and poets.

It is clear from this Hadith that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), 
Was very happy about the day of his birth and so fasted out of gratitude.
 Fasting is a form of worship, so one can celebrate this day by any form of ibadah. 
One can fast or hold gatherings or provide food to the poor, all being acts of worship.

The hadith found in Baihaqi, narrated by Anas, that
"The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), slaughtered a `aqiqa [sacrifice for newborns] for himself after he received the prophecy,
“Although it has been mentioned that his grandfather
`Abd al-Muttalib did that on the seventh day after he was born and the `aqiqa cannot be repeated.
Thus the reason for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)'s action is to give thanks to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) for sending him as a mercy to the worlds,
And to give honor to his Ummah, in the same way that he used to pray on himself.
It is recommended for us, therefore, that we also show thanks for his birth by meeting with our brothers,
By feeding people and other such good works and rejoicing.
“This hadith confirms the aforementioned hadith of the Prophet's emphasis of Monday as the day of his birthday and that of his prophet hood.
Milad UN Nabi (sallallaahu alaihi Wasallam) is amongst the sacred days for Muslims.
According to my understanding it is very crucial for nourishment and treatment of human minds and hearts,
 Hence it is necessary for Muslims to keep in their sight the Aswa Ur Rasul (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam).

  Fundamentalist Muslims, such as the Wahabi / Deoband / Salafis sect, do not celebrate it.
                      Nowadays we are suffering sects and scholars who imposes verdicts of
 Shirk and Bid’ah on those who celebrate Mawlid an-Nabi Sallallaahu Alaihi WA Sallam
With great enthusiasm and integrity and due to which the simple
And straightforward people who are less in knowledge of Qur’an And Hadith get worried, doubts, nervous whether they are following the Truth or not.
Publications filled with lies and deception which mislead many Muslims into thinking negatively about the honorable Mawlid of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).
These publications claim that to celebrate the Mawlid is an act of innovation that goes against Islam.
This is far from the truth, and it is therefore necessary for those who can speak clearly to help clarify and reverse the doubts surrounding this most blessed day.
It is with this humble intention that I present the following proofs in support of celebrating our beloved Prophet's birthday.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, "He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it will have it rejected." He also said,
"Beware of innovations, for every innovation (kul bida`) is misguidance."

Those opposed to Mawlid cite this saying and hold that the word every (kul) is a term of generalization,
Including all types of innovations, with no exception, and that therefore, celebrating Mawlid is misguidance.
By daring to say that, they accuse the scholars of Islam of innovation.
At the top of the list of those they have accused, then, is our Master `Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu).
Those in opposition to Mawlid quickly reply to this, "But we did not mean the Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)"

It follows, then, that the meaning of every (kul) cannot be taken in its general sense.
Therefore, although the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) may not have said to celebrate his blessed birthday,

For, as the following examples show, there were many actions and practices instituted by his close followers after his time that are not deemed innovation.

    Compiling of the Quran:
    From a Prophetic saying: related by Zaid Ibn Thabit. (Radiyallaahu ‘anhu)
 "The Prophet died and the Quran had not been compiled anywhere. `Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) suggested to Abu Bakr (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) compiling the Qur’an in one book.
 When a large number of Companions were killed in the battle of Yamaamah, Abu Bakr wondered,
"How could we do something that the Prophet did not do?'
`Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) said, "By Allah, it is good.' `Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) persisted in asking Abu Bakr (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) until Allah expanded his chest for it
(Allah made him agree and accept these suggestions) and he sent for Zaid Ibn Thabit (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) and assigned him to compile the Qur’an.
“Zaid (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) said, "By Allah if they had asked me to move a mountain, it would not have been more difficult than to compile the Qur'an.
“He also said, "How could you do something that the Prophet did not do?
“Abu Bakr (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) said, "It is good, and `Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) kept coming back to me until Allah expanded my chest for the matter.
“The saying is narrated in Sahih Al Bukhari.

    The Maqaam of Ibrahim (as) in relation to the Ka'ba.
    (Al Baihaqi narrated with a strong chain of narrators from Aisha (radiyallaahu ‘anha).
"The Maqaam during the time of the Prophet and Abu Bakr was attached to the House, then `Umar moved it back.

“Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in Al Fath,
"The Companions did not oppose `Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu), neither did those who came after them, thus it became unanimous agreement.
“He was the first to build the enclosure (maqsura) on it, which still exists today.

    Addition: the first call to Friday prayers.
    (From Sahih Al Bukhari, from Al Sa'ib bin Yazid.) "During the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
Abu Bakr (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) and `Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu), the call to Friday prayer used to occur when the Imam sat on the pulpit.
 When it was Othman (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) s time, he added the third call (considered third in relation to the first adhan and the Iqamah.
But it is named first because it precedes the call to the Friday prayer.)"

    Salutations on the Prophet composed and taught by Ali (radiyallaahu ‘anhu).
    The salutations have been mentioned by Sa'id bin Mansoor and Ibn Jarir in Tahzeeb al Aathaar, and by Ibn Abi Assim and Yaqoob bin Sheyba in Akbar `Ali and by Al Tabarani and others from Salamah Al Kindi.

    The addition: to the Tashahhud by Ibn Mas'ud (radiyallaahu ‘anhu).
    After "WA Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu," and the Mercy of Allah and Blessings, he used to say,
 "Assalamu `alayna min Rabbanaa,
“Peace upon us from our Lord.” Narrated by Al Tabarani in Al Kabir,
And the narrators are those of the sound transmitters, as it has been mentioned in Majma' Al Zawa'id.

    The addition: to the Tashahhud by Abdullah Ibn `Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu).
    He added the bismillah at the beginning of the Tashahhud.
He also added to the talbiyah, "labbaika wa sa'daika wal khayru bi yadika wal raghba'u ilaykal wal `amalu"
 This is mentioned in Bukhari, Muslim,

These are some of the developments instituted by the Prophet's Companions, the scholars,
And the honorable members of his nation, which did not exist during the time of the Prophet,
And which they deemed good. Are they, then, misguided and guilty of bad innovation?

As for the claim that there is no such thing in religion as good innovation, here are some sayings of the brilliant scholars of Islam belying this claim.

The Important Usool
We know from many hadith that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) allowed new matters in deen, like few Sahabi recited Fatiha on bite of snake,
They had no knowledge of it from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), but on coming to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) it was approved,
Some people still argue that it was allowed in presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
Whatever he allows and forbids we have to follow; the answer to this is that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) could never contradict in his sayings,
 If he has laid down a principle that all innovations are evil in mutlaqqan terms then there is no Jawaz of him accepting some himself?
 Hence It is necessary to check everything according to principles of Shari`ah.

One more answer to this is that Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) called combining sahabas behind 1 Qari as "Na’imul Bid’ah (i.e. Excellent Bid’ah)"...
This is proof from Nass that every bid’ah is not bad; on this some people also argue
That Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) was referring to Lughwi Bid’ah not Shari’i,
They are asked to bring proof from hadith itself that Umar (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) differentiated bid’ah between Lughwi and Shari’i,
Above all Usman (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) started the second Adhan for Jummah, Salafis reply to this as:
They were Khulafa ar rashideen and we are bound to follow them as hadith states so,
The answer to this is same i.e. had every bid’ah been evil then our pious predecessors would not have contradicted themselves.

     Imam Nawawi said in Sahih Muslim (6-21)
    "The Prophet's saying every innovation is a general-particular and it is a reference to most innovations.
The linguists say, "Innovation is any act done without a previous pattern, and it is of five different kinds.'
“Imam Nawawi also said in Tahzeeb al Asma' wal Sifaat, "Innovation in religious law is to originate anything
Which did not exist during the time of the Prophet, and it is divided into good and bad.
“He also said, "Al-Muhadditha (pl. for Muhadditha) is to originate something that has no roots in religious law.
In the tradition of religious law it is called innovation, and if it has an origin within the religious law,
Then it is not innovation. Innovation in religious law is disagreeable,
Unlike in the language where everything that has been originated without a previous pattern is called innovation regardless of whether it is good or bad."

    Sheikh Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani, the commentator on Al Bukhari, said,
    "Anything that did not exist during the Prophet's time is called innovation, but some are good while others are not."

    Abu Na'eem, narrated from Ibrahim Al Junaid, said, "I heard Ash-Shafi saying,
    "Innovation is of two types; praiseworthy innovation and blameworthy innovation, and anything that disagrees with the Sunnah is blameworthy.'"

    Imam Al Baihaqi narrated in Manaqib Ash-Shafi' that Ash-Shafi’ said,
    "Innovations are of two types: that which contradicts the Qur’an, the Sunnah, or unanimous agreement of the Muslims is a innovation of deception, While a good innovation does not contradict any of these things."

    Al `Izz bin Abdussalam said, at the end of his book, Al Qawa'id,
    "Innovation is divided into obligatory, forbidden, recommended, disagreeable and permissible, and the way to know which is which is to match it against the religious law."

Clearly we see from the opinions of these righteous scholars, that to define innovations in worship as wholly negative without exception is ignorant.
 For these pious knower, among them Imam Nawawi and Ash-Shafi' Declared that innovations could be divided into good and bad, based on their compliance or deviance with religious law.

Moreover, the following Prophetic saying is known even to common Muslims, let alone scholars:
"He who inaugurates a good practice (sunnatun hasana) in Islam earns the reward of it,
And of all who perform it after him, without diminishing their own rewards in the least."
Therefore it is permissible for a Muslim to originate a good practice, even if the Prophet didn't do it, For the sake of doing well and cultivating the reward.
The meaning of inaugurate a good practice (sanna sunnatun hasana) is to establish a practice through personal reasoning (ijtihad) and derivation (istinbat) from the rules of religious law or its general texts.
The actions of the Prophet’s Companions and the generation following them which we have stated above are the strongest evidence.

The ones prejudiced against celebrating the Prophet's birthday have paved the way for their falsehood by deceiving the less-learned among the Muslims.
The prejudiced ones claim that Ibn Kathir writes in his Al Bida ya wal Nihaya (11-172) that the Fatimide- Baudette state, which descends from the Jew,
Obaidillah Bin Mammon Al Kaddah, ruler of Egypt from 357-567 A.H., innovation the celebration of a number of days, among them, the celebration of the Prophet's birthday.
This treacherous lie is a grave insult to the scholarship of Ibn Kathir and the scholarship of all Islam.
For in truth, Ibn Kathir writes about the Prophet's birthday in Al bidaya wal Nihaya [13-136]
"The victorious king Abu Sa'id Kawkaburi, was one of the generous, distinguished masters,
And the glorious kings; he left good impressions and used to observe the honorable Mawlid by having a great celebration.
Moreover, he was chivalrous, brave, wise, a scholar, and just." Ibn Kathir continues,
"And he used to spend three hundred thousand Dinars on the Mawlid." In support,
Imam Al Dhahabi writes of Abu Sa'id Kawkaburi, in Siyar Alam al nubala' [22-336]
"He was humble, righteous, and loved religious learned men and scholars of Prophetic saying."

Following are some sayings of the rightly guided Imams regarding the Mawlid.

    Imam Al Suyuti, from Alhawi lil fatwa, wrote a special chapter entitled
"The Good Intention in Commemorating the Mawlid," at the beginning of which he said,
    "There is a question being asked about commemorating the Mawlid of the Prophet in the month of Rabi' Al Awal:
What is the religious legal ruling in this regard is it good or bad?
 Does the one who celebrates get rewarded or not?"
The answer according to me is as follows:
To commemorate the Mawlid: which is basically gathering people together,
Reciting parts of the Qur’an, narrating stories about the Prophet's birth and the signs that accompanied it,
Then serving food, and afterwards, departing, is one of the good innovations;
And the one who practices it gets rewarded, because it involves venerating the status of the Prophet and expressing joy for his honorable birth.

   Ibn Taymiyah said in his book Iqtida' Al Sirat Al Mustaqeem (pg. 266)
    "Likewise, what some people have innovated, in competition with the Christians in celebrating the birth of Jesus (Isa) A.S., or out of love
And veneration of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam); and he continues at the predecessors didn't do,
Even though there is a reason for it, and there is nothing against it.
“This is a saying of someone who set fanaticism aside and sought to please Allah and his Prophet.
As far as we are concerned, we commemorate the Mawlid for no other reason but what Ibn Taymiyah said,
 "Only: for the love and veneration of the Prophet.”
“May Allah reward us according to this love and effort, and may Allah bless the one who said,
"Let alone what the Christians claim about their Prophet,
And you may praise Muhammad in any way you want and attribute to his essence all honors
And to his status all greatness, for his merit has no limits that any expression by any speaker might reach."

The Sunna shows that the Sa’haba would stand and declaim/sing poetry in praise of the Prophet
And that he would reward them lavishly as he did with Ka`b,
`Abd Allah ibn Rawaha, Hassan ibn Thabit, Qurra ibn Hubayr and many others.

There is nothing in the principle of Mawlid gatherings,
Qur'an and Na’ats recitation, and distribution of food and sweets except what follows the Prophetic teachings, increases knowledge of his Sira among the Muslims,
Stimulates love for him in their hearts,
And encourages them to educate their families according to Islamic principles from the cradle to the grave,
"With utmost love and reverence, not manifested by some formal activities only, but also through actual behavior of following the Sunnah"!
Muslims celebrate Mila un-Nabi by gathering together to send salutations to the Prophet Muhammad, to give charity to the poor, and to remember the birth and virtues of the Prophets.

     In the same source previously mentioned, Al Suyuti said,
    "Someone asked Ibn Hajar about commemorating the Mawlid. Ibn Hajar answered,
"Basically, commemorating the Mawlid is an innovation that has not been transmitted by the righteous Muslims of the first three centuries.
 However, it involves good things and their opposites, therefore,
Whoever looks for the good and avoids the opposites then it is a good innovation.
‘It occurred to me (Al Suyuti) to trace it to its established origin, which has been confirmed in the two authentic books:
Al Sahihain. When the Prophet arrived in Medina he found that the Jews fast the day of Ashura; when he inquired about it they said,
"This is the day when Allah drowned the Pharaoh and saved Moses, therefore we fast it to show our gratitude to Allah.
‘From this we can conclude that thanks are being given to Allah on a specific day for sending bounty or preventing indignity or harm.
“Al Suyuti then commented, "What bounty is greater than the bounty of the coming of this Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, on that day?"

    "This is regarding the basis of Mawlid.
 As for the activities, there should be only the things that express thankfulness to Allah,
Such as what has been previously mentioned: reciting Qur’an,
Eating food, giving charity, reciting poetry praising the Prophet or on piety which moves hearts and drives them to do well and work for the Hereafter."

      Mawlid al Sadi fi Mawlid Al Hadi.: He is the one who said about the Prophet's estranged uncle, Abu Lahab,
"This unbeliever who has been dispraised, "perish his hands" [111: 1], will stay in Hell forever.
 Yet, every Monday his torment is being reduced because of his joy at the birth of the Prophet.

“How much mercy can a servant expect who spends all his life joyous about the Prophet and dies believing in the Oneness of Allah?

        Imam Ibn Al Jawzi said about the honorable Mawlid, "It is security throughout the year, and glad tidings that all wishes and desires will be fulfilled."

       Imam Abu Shama (Imam Nawawi sheikh) in his book Al ba'ith ala Inkar Al bida` wal hawadi (pg.23) said,
"One of the best innovations in our time is what is being done every year on the Prophet's birthday, such as giving charity, doing good deeds, displaying ornaments, and expressing joy,
 for that expresses the feelings of love and veneration for him in the hearts of those who are celebrating, and also, Shows thankfulness to Allah for His bounty by sending His Messenger, the one who has been sent as a Mercy to the worlds."

     Imam Al Shihab Al Qastalani (Al Bukhari commentator) in his book Al mawahib Al Ladunniya (1-148) said,
"May Allah have mercy on the one who turns the nights of the month of the Prophet's birth into festivities in order to decrease?
There are others, who wrote and spoke about Mawlid,
Such as Imam Al Sakhawi, Imam Wajihu Din bin `Ali bin al Dayba' al Sha`ban al Zubaida, and many more,

From these many evidences, it should be clear by now that celebrating the Mawlid is highly commendable and allowed.
Surely we cannot simply shrug off as heretics the scholars and dignitaries of this nation who approved the commemoration of the Mawlid And wrote countless books on the subject. Are all these scholars?
 To whom the whole world is indebted for the beneficial books they have written on Prophetic sayings, jurisprudence, Commentaries, and other sorts of knowledge, among the indecent who commit sins and evil?
Are they, as those opposed to Mawlid claim, imitating the Christians in celebrating the birth of Jesus?
Are they claiming that the Prophet did not convey to the nation what they should do?
We leave answers to these questions up to you.

And yet we must continue to examine the errors which those opposed to Mawlid utter.
They say "If celebrating the Mawlid is from the religion,
Then the Prophet would have made it clear to the nation,
Or would have done it in his lifetime, or it would have been done by the Companions.
“No one can say that the Prophet did not do it out of his humbleness, for this is speaking evil of him, so they cannot use this argument.

Furthermore, that the Prophet and his Companions did not do a certain thing does not mean they made that thing prohibited.
The proof is in the Prophet's saying, "Whoever establishes, in Islam, a good practice..." cited earlier.
This is the strongest evidence that gives encouragement to innovate whatever practices have foundations in religious law, even if the Prophet
And his Companions did not do them.
Al Shafi' said, "Anything that has a foundation in religious law is not an innovation even if the Companions did not do it,
Because their refraining from doing it might have been for a certain excuse they had at the time, or they left it for something better, or perhaps not all of them knew about it."
Therefore, whoever prohibits anything based on the concept that the Prophet did not do it; his claim has no proof and must be rejected.

Thus we say to the rejecters of Mawlid: based on the rule you have attempted to found,
That is, that whoever does anything that the Prophet or his Companions did not do is committing innovation,
It would follow that the Prophet did not complete the religion for his nation, and that the Prophet did not convey to the nation what they should do.
 No one says this or believes this except a heretic defecting from the religion of Allah.
To the doubters of Mawlid we declare, "Based on what you say, we convict you.
“For you have innovated: in the basics of worship a large number of things that the Prophet did not do nor did his Companions, The Generation after the Companions or the Generation after them.
   For instance:
         Congregating OF PEOPLE behind one Imam to pray Salat al Tahajjud after Salat Al Taraweeh, in the two Holy Mosques and other mosques.
         Reciting the Prayer of Completion: of the Qur’an in Salat al Taraweeh and also in Salat al Tahajjud.
         Designating the 27th night of Ramadan: to complete reading the entire Qur’an in the two Holy Mosques.
         A caller saying, after Salat al Taraweeh, in the Qiyam prayer, "May Allah rewards you."

        Founding organizations; did not exist in the time of the Prophet such as Islamic universities, societies for committing the Qur’an to memory, and offices for missionary work, and committees for enjoining good and forbidding evil.
 We are not objecting to these things, since they are forms of good innovation.
We merely list these innovations to point out that those who oppose Mawlid clearly contradict their own rule stating that anything that neither the Prophet nor his Companions did is innovation.
And since they claim that all innovation is bad, they themselves are guilty.

Yet another claim they make is to say that those who commemorate the Mawlid are mostly indecent and immoral.
This is a vulgar statement and it only reflects the character of the one saying it.
Are all the distinguished scholars that we have mentioned?
From the point of view of those opposed to Mawlid: Indecent and immoral?
 We won't be surprised if this is what they believe.
 This is a most serious slander. We say, as the poet said,
"When Allah wants to spread a virtue that has been hidden, He would let a tongue of an envious person know about it."

Those opposed to Mawlid, May Allah guide them, have confused some expressions,
And claim that some religious scholars associate partners with Allah.
Take for example the plea of Imam Al Busiri to Prophet Muhammad,
"Oh, most generous of creation, I have no one to resort to, save you, when the prevailing event takes place.
“They must examine carefully the saying of Imam Al Busiri: inda hulul IL Amin, when the prevailing event takes place.
What is al Amin? It means that which prevails over the whole universe, and all of creation, in referring to the Day of Judgment.
Imam Al Busiri is asking intercession from the Prophet on the Day of Judgment because on that Day we will have no one to resort to, or appeal to.
Imam Al Busiri seeks his intercession to Allah through the Prophet, for when all other Messengers and Prophets will be saying,
"Myself, myself," the Prophet will be saying, "I am the one for it; I am for it [the Intercession]"
It becomes even clearer now that the doubts of those opposed to Mawlid are unfounded, just as their charges of associating partners with Allah are unfounded.
This is due to their blindness, both physical and spiritual.

Another similar example can be found in the well-known saying transmitted by the distinguished Imam Al Kamal bin Al Hammam Al Hanafi,
When Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A.) visited Medina, he stood in front of the honorable grave of the Prophet and said,
 "O, most honorable of the Two Weighty Ones (humankind and jinn)!
 O, treasure of mankind, showers your generosity upon me and pleases me with your pleasure.
I am aspiring for your generosity, and there is no one for Abu Hanifa in the world but you.
“Again, we must not misinterpret this entreaty, but realize its true meaning.

Yet another misconception those opposed to Mawlid hold can be seen in their statements such as these:
"What occurs during Mawlid is mixing between men and women, singing and playing musical instruments, and drinking alcohol." I myself know this to be a lie,
For I have attended many Mawlid and have not seen any mixing, and never heard any musical instruments.
And as for drunkenness, yes, I have seen it, but not that of worldly people.
We found people intoxicated with the love of the Prophet, a state surpassing even the agony of death,
Which we know overcame our master Bilal at the time of his death.
 In the midst of this sweet stupor he was saying, "Tomorrow I shall meet the loved ones, Muhammad and his Companions."

To continue, those opposed to Mawlid say,
"The day of the Prophet's birth is the same day of the week as his death.
Therefore, joy on this day is no more appropriate than sorrow, and if religion is according to one's opinion,
Then this day should be a day of mourning and sorrow.
“This kind of lame eloquence, is answered by the Imam Jalali al Din al Suyuti, in Al hawi lil fatwa (pg.193),
"The Prophet's birth is the greatest bounty, and his death is the greatest calamity.
Religious law urges us to express thankfulness for bounties,
And be patient and remain calm during calamities.
Religious law has commanded us to sacrifice an animal on the birth of a child [and distribute the meat to the needy],
 Which is an expression of gratitude and happiness with the newborn, while it did not command us to sacrifice at the time of death?
 Also, it prohibited wailing and showing grief.
Therefore, the rules of Divine Law indicate that it is recommended to show joy during the month of the Prophet's birth, And not to show sorrow for his death."

Furthermore, Ibn Rajab, in his book Al lata'if, dispraising the rejecters of Mawlid based on the above argument, said,
"Some designated the day of Ashura as a funeral ceremony for the murder of Al Hussein.
But neither Allah nor His Prophet commanded that the days of the prophets' great trials
Or deaths should be declared days of mourning, let alone those with lesser rank."

Let’s just imagine for a second that no Mawlid was ever celebrated in history.
What would one conclude about such a celebration?
It is a means to a praiseworthy end (remembering, honoring, and celebrating the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).
As such, the means would also be praiseworthy, as long as it is free of corrupting elements–
Which is the general case of the Mawlid gatherings of the scholars and righteous and those guided by their teachings.
As for the claims of:  “exaggerated” love or praise.
Subhan Allah! How can humans fulfill the praises of one praised so highly by His Lord?

As for praising the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace),
We have a great tradition of expressive praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), from his family members themselves, his companions), and every subsequent generation.

Even if this celebration had not existed in the early periods of Islam,
People should be pleased that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) had been sent by Allah to this world as a mercy
And the celebration of the anniversary of his birth, if spent in worshipping, helping the poor and needy,
Reading the Quran and poems that were concerned with love of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
And wearing clean and nice clothing to show one's happiness, all of which are good actions, was not bid’ah,
And that it was necessary to separate and prevent those actions seen among the people that the religion opposed;
However, these actions did not make the day haram -
-that would be the same as suggesting that the incorrect behavior exhibited by some people at the Jummah or Taraweeh prayers Made these occasions haram.
 When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) was asked about the blessings of fasting on a Monday, he answered
"That is the day on which I was born and on which the Revelation was sent to me";
This suggests that there is importance in this day,

Few examples:
Giants of Islamic scholarship have accepted, praised,
And commented on the great poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
Such as the Burdah and Hamziyya of Imam Busiri,
Both of which have numerous commentaries by giants such as Ibn Hajar, Zakariyya al-Ansari, Sheikh Zada, Qari, and numerous others.

Personally, we know every good that one has in life is through the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).
All beauty that you can imagine is in its human manifestation it is personified in the example, Person and conduct of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).
And then, when one earns for Allah, one realizes that the means,
The key and the door to Allah is the Messenger, upon him peace and blessings.

Celebration of Eid Milad nabi (peace and blessings upon him) is not
Only a praiseworthy event but Muslims considers the birth of Holy Prophet as greatest event in the human history for which they are Thankful to Allah, the creator.

Almost all of the renowned Islamic Scholars including grand Mufti of
Al Azar, the world largest Islamic university Egypt and grand Muftis
Of all Islamic countries, except Wahabi dominated Saudi Arabia has declared celebration on the occasion of birthday of holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad as means of forgiveness of sins.
Even in Asia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, America, U.K. and Indonesia conduct mass
Gatherings on this event in each and every city
The Prophet's birthday is a public holiday in 54 countries, including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
"Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only countries in the Middle East who do not recognize Mawlid an-Nabi (the Prophet's birthday) as a national holiday,"

Mawlid al-Nabi (12 Rabi 1)
The word Mawlid means "the place and time of birth",
But in Islamic literature this term is used to indicate the birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
And the celebrations held in commemoration of this day,
As well as indicating works written in commemoration of the Prophet's day of birth.

In present era we are suffering sects and scholars who imposes verdicts of
 Shirk and Bid’ah on those who celebrate Mawlid an-Nabi Sallallaahu Alaihi WA Sallam
With great enthusiasm and integrity and due to which the simple
And straightforward people who are less in knowledge of Qur’an And Hadith get worried, doubts, nervous whether they are following the Truth or not.
The day is commemorated with recollections of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)'s life and significance.

Fundamentalist Muslims, such as the Wahabi / Deoband / Salafis sect, do not celebrate it.

What is the Mawlid?
The Mawlid is a joyful event, during which Muslims gather to thank Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD),
For sending the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
The Muslims commemorate this event repeatedly every year on the 12th of Rabee` al’ Awal,
Which is the day when the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), was born.
During this event, the Muslims come together,
 Recite Qur’an, praise the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
 Speak about the honorable life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
And his attributes, learn about Islam, and serve food.
The activities of the Mawlid, as mentioned, are lawful in Islam.
Muslims are rewarded for doing the Mawlid.
The doing of the Mawlid does not contradict Qur’an, Hadith, Consensus or the practices and sayings of the Companions.
It is a special event and Muslims celebrate Mawlid throughout the five continents.
 Remembering the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
By doing reward able deeds is a praise-worthy practice for those who prepare
And participate in this honorable event.

The Mawlid in Mecca According to Muslim Historians-Celebration of the Birthplace of the Prophet
Mecca, the Mother of cities, may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), bless and honor her,
Is the leader of other Islamic cities in the celebration of Mawlid as in other things?
In his book Akbar Makkah, Vol. 2, p. 160, the 3rd-century historian of Mecca, al-Azraqi,
Mentions as one of the many places in Mecca in which the performance of salla is desirable (mustahab),
 The house where the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), was born (Mawlid al-Nabi).
According to him, the house had previously been turned into a mosque by the mother of the caliphs Musa al-Hadi and Haroon ar-Rashid.

Earliest Mentions of the Public Mawlid
The oldest source that mentions a public commemoration of the Mawlid is in Ibn Jabber’s (540-614) Rihla ("Travels"), p. 114-115:
"This blessed place [the house of the Prophet] is opened,
And all men enter it to derive blessing from it (mutaa barrikin bihi), on every Monday of the month of Rabi` al-Awal; for on that day and in that month was born the Prophet."
The 7th-century historians Abu `Abbas al-`Azafi and his son Abu Qasim al-`Azafi wrote in their unpublished Kitab ad-durr al-munazzam:
"Pious pilgrims and prominent travelers testified that, on the day of the Mawlid in Mecca,
No activities are undertaken, and nothing is sold or bought,
Except by the people who are busy visiting his noble birthplace, and rush to it.
 On this day the Ka’ba is opened and visited."

Ibn Battuta's Account of the Mawlid
The famous 8th-century historian Ibn Batuta relates in his Rihla, Vol. 1, p. 309 and 347,
That on every Friday, after the Salah, and on the birthday of the Prophet,
The door of Ka’ba is opened by the head of the Banu Sheyba,
The doorkeepers of the Ka’ba, and that on the Mawlid, the Shafi qadi (head judge) of Mecca,
 Najmuddin Muhammad Ibn al-Imam Muhyuddin al-Tabari, distributes food to the Shura fa' (descendants of the Prophet and to all the other people of Mecca).

Three Tenth-Century Accounts of the Mawlid
The following description consolidates eyewitness accounts by three 10th-century authorities:
The historian Ibn huhayra from his al-Jami` al-latif fi fasl Makkah wa ahliha, p. 326;
 The hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Haytami from his Kitab al-Mawlid ash-Sheriff al-Mu`azzam,
And the historian al-Nahrawali from al-I`lam bi-a`lam Bayt Allah al-haram, p. 205.

Each year on the 12th of Rabi` al-Awal, after the Salat al-Maghrib,
The four qadi of Mecca (representing the Four Schools)
 And large groups of people including the fuqaha' (scholars)
And fudala' (notables) of Mecca, sheikhs, zawiya teachers and their students, ru'asa' (magistrates),
And mutaa` ammamin (scholars) leave the mosque and set out collectively for a visit to the birthplace of the Prophet, Shouting out dhikr and tahlil (LA ILAHA ILLALLAH).
The houses on the route are illuminated with numerous lanterns and large candles,
And a great many people are out and about.
 They all wear special clothes and they take their children with them.
Having reached the birthplace, inside a special sermon for the occasion of the birthday of the Prophet is delivered, mentioning the miracles (Karamat) that took place on that occasion.
Hereafter the du’aa' for the Sultan (i.e. the Caliph),
 The Emir of Mecca and the Shafi qadi is performed and all pray humbly.
Shortly before the Salat al-`Isha', the whole party returns from the birthplace of the Prophet to the Great Mosque,
 Which is almost overcrowded, and all sit down in rows at the foot of the Maqaam Ibrahim.
In the mosque, a preacher first mentions the Tahmid (AL HAMDULILLAH) and the tahlil,
And once again the du’aa' for the Sultan, the Emir, and the Shafi` qadi is performed.
After this the call for the Salat al-`Isha' is made. After the Salat, the crowd breaks up.
A similar description is given by al-Diyarbakri (d. 960) in his Ta'rikh al-Khamis.

It is a commonly held belief that the birth-date of the Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam is the 12th of Rabi-al-Awal, in the ‘Year of the Elephant’, Which is the year that the Abyssinian Emperor Abraha attacked the Kaabah with an army of elephants.
There is no narration in the famous ‘Six Books’ of Hadith that specifies when the Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi WA sallam was born.
Rather, the only narration that exists specifies the day he was born, and not the date.

A Bedouin came to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and asked him about fasting on Monday,
To which the Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi WA sallam replied,
 “That is the day I was born on, and the day that the revelation began” [Narrated by Muslim].
Therefore, the Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi WA sallam was born on Monday.
Mondays: of which month, and in which year?
For that, we need to turn to other sources.
Again, no standard source book of Hadith mentions any precise date.

There are numerous opinions regarding the precise date of the birth of the Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi WA sallam,
Some of which differ about the month, and others even the year.
However, an overwhelming majority of historians
And scholars agreed that he was born on a Monday, in Rabi- al-Awal, in the ‘Year of the Elephant’, which corresponds to 570 (or 571) C.E.

 Innovations of Guidance: Although most innovations are innovations of misguidance,
There are numerous examples of islamically acceptable innovations.
Since the time of the Prophet, many good innovations have been adopted.

One person was praying behind the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
And said a good statement after he stood up from Ruku`.
After the prayer, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) asked who that person was.
The Prophet said: I saw less than 40 angels in favor of each writing it first. (Bukhari)

The companion Khubab bin `Adiyy innovated praying two rakaats before his enemy was about to kill him
And was the first person to do so. The Prophet was told about this doing, but the Prophet did not prohibit it.

Al Bukhari (Malik and Muslim) narrated that the caliph `Umar Ibn al Khattab (Radiyallaahu anhu): gathered the Muslims and assigned an imam for them to pray the Taraweeh Prayer in congregation.
When he saw them the next day praying behind the imam in congregation he said:

Which means: “What a good innovation that is?" `Umar (Radiyallaahu anhu): used the explicit term (innovation) in his praise.
 If all innovations were misguided, `Umar (Radiyallaahu anhu): would not have innovated this practice, nor expressed this praise.

The caliph `Uthman (Radiyallaahu anhu): innovated the first adhan on Friday before the imam ascends the minbar.

Initially, Qur’an was written with letters like, ba, ta, sa, and (ya), which did not have dots above or below them.
The practice of distinguishing between the letters by using the dots notation began by al Hasan al Basri after the time of the Prophet.

During the era of the followers of the Companions Yahyaa bin Yammer was the first to put the tashkeel on the letters of Qur’an.
Today, Qur’an is recited using these signs without objection.

Muslims added the Mihrab (semi-circular, hollow structure which shows the Qiblah) to the mosques including the mosque of the Prophet in Madinah.

What is the meaning of the Hadith?
This hadith was narrated by Abu Dawood and it means that most (not every one) of the innovations are innovations of misguidance.

It cannot mean that every innovation is misguidance, because this interpretation contradicts the previous proofs and the proofs of Islam do not contradict one another.

This usage is seen in Qur’an in ‘ayah 25 of Surat al Ahqaf: Which means the wind Allah sent as punishment to the people of `Aad demolished most of the things but not all the things like trees, skies or the mountains.

Similarly, in the explanation of Saheeh Muslim, an Nawawee said: The saying of the Prophet, peace on him: Is among the terms which refer to a general statement giving a specific meaning.
It clearly does not mean that every eye gazes the look leading to adultery (the forbidden look).
The Prophets would never commit such an abject sin and the person blind since birth would surely not have the forbidden look.

Let’s just imagine for a second that no Mawlid was ever celebrated in history.
What would one conclude about such a celebration?
It is a means to a praiseworthy end (remembering, honoring, and celebrating the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).
As such, the means would also be praiseworthy, as long as it is free of corrupting elements–
Which is the general case of the Mawlid gatherings of the scholars and righteous and those guided by their teachings.
As for the claims of:  “exaggerated” love or praise.
Subhan Allah! How can humans fulfill the praises of one praised so highly by His Lord?

As for praising the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace),
We have a great tradition of expressive praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), from his family members themselves, his companions), and every subsequent generation.

Even if this celebration had not existed in the early periods of Islam,
People should be pleased that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) had been sent by Allah to this world as a mercy
And the celebration of the anniversary of his birth, if spent in worshipping, helping the poor and needy,
Reading the Quran and poems that were concerned with love of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
And wearing clean and nice clothing to show one's happiness, all of which are good actions, was not bid’ah,
And that it was necessary to separate and prevent those actions seen among the people that the religion opposed;
However, these actions did not make the day haram -
-that would be the same as suggesting that the incorrect behavior exhibited by some people at the Jummah or Taraweeh prayers Made these occasions haram.
 When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) was asked about the blessings of fasting on a Monday, he answered
"That is the day on which I was born and on which the Revelation was sent to me";
This suggests that there is importance in this day,

Few examples:
Giants of Islamic scholarship have accepted, praised,
And commented on the great poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
Such as the Burdah and Hamziyya of Imam Busiri,
Both of which have numerous commentaries by giants such as Ibn Hajar, Zakariyya al-Ansari, Sheikh Zada, Qari, and numerous others.

The gatherings of Mawlid and Adhkaar which take place during our time,
 They are mostly confined to good deeds, for example in them Sadaqah are given,
 Dhikr is done, Darud and Salaam is sent upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and he is praised.

The Sunna shows that the Sahabas would stand and declaim/sing poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
 and that he would reward them lavishly as he did with Ka`b, `Abd Allah ibn Rawaha, Hassan ibn Thabit, and many others.

There is nothing in the principle of Mawlid gatherings,
Qur'an and Na’ats recitation and distribution of food and sweets accept what follows the Prophetic teachings,
Increases knowledge of his Sira among the Muslims, stimulates love for him in their hearts,
And encourages them to educate their families according to Islamic principles from the cradle to the grave,
"With utmost love and reverence, not manifested by some formal activities only, but also through actual behavior of following the Sunnah"!

Muslims celebrate Mila un-Nabi by gathering together to send salutations to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), to give charity to the poor, and to remember the birth and virtues of the Prophets.

In the countries where Milad un-Nabi in a carnival manner, homes and mosques are decorated and street processions are held.
Charity and food is distributed, stories about the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)'s life are told, and children recite poetry.
Qasida al-Burdah Sheriff (the "Poem of the Mantle"), the famous 13th Century poem,
Composed by the eminent Sufi, Imam al-Busiri is recited by scholars and poets.

It is clear from this Hadith that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) was very happy about the day of his birth and so fasted out of gratitude.
 Fasting is a form of worship, so one can celebrate this day by any form of ibadah. 
One can fast or hold gatherings or provide food to the poor, all being acts of worship.

The hadith found in Baihaqi, narrated by Anas (Radiyallaahu anhu), that
"The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) slaughtered a `aqiqa [sacrifice for newborns] for himself after he received the prophecy,"
Although it has been mentioned that his grandfather `Abd al-Muttalib did that on the seventh day after he was born,
And the `aqiqa cannot be repeated.
Thus the reason for the Prophet's action is to give thanks to Allah for sending him as a mercy to the worlds,
And to give honor to his Ummah, in the same way that he used to prey on himself.
It is recommended for us, therefore, that we also show thanks for his birth by meeting with our brothers, by feeding people, and other such good works and rejoicing."
This hadith confirms the aforementioned hadith of the Prophet's emphasis of Monday as the day of his birthday and that of his prophet hood.

Milad UN Nabi (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) is amongst the sacred days for Muslims.
According to my understanding it is very crucial for nourishment and treatment of human minds and hearts,
Hence it is necessary for Muslims to keep in their sight the Aswa Ur Rasul (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam).
In the following three ways they can keep their emotions intact.

 1. The first way is of sending Durood and Salaam which is part and parcel of Muslim's life;
 They try to find every possible time to send Durood.
 I have come to know about Arab world that if 2 people get into a fight in market then the third says loudly:
Allah humma Sali Ala Sayidina WA Barik Wasallam, hearing this fight stops immediately,
 This is the power which Durood holds therefore it is necessary to embed the thought in heart of the person on whom Durood is sent (i.e. Prophet Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam)

2. The second way deals with Gatherings
 I.e. Muslims should gather in great number and one person out of them
 (I.e. leader) who is fully versed regarding the Life and works of Pride to the worlds
(I.e. Prophet Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) should mention them in detail so that the devotion to follow the way of Prophet (saw) awakens in hearts of Muslims, for this purpose we have also gathered today.

3. The third way is although difficult but still it to be mentioned is very important.
It is that Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) is remembered in such a way that
Our hearts (and ways) become Mazhar (signs) of different aspects of Nubuwwa
 I.e. the feeling which was there about 1300 years ago due to literal presence of Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam),
The same feeling arises in our hearts too. [Asaar e Iqbal, Pages. 306-307]

The gatherings of Mawlid and Adhkaar which take place during our time,
They are mostly confined to good deeds, for example in them Sadaqah are given,
Dhikr is done, Darud and Salaam is sent upon the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and he is praised.

Here are ample proofs from Qur'an al-Kareem and Hadith of Beloved Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah are Upon Him Which shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Celebrating Milad-un-Nabi Sallallaahu Alaihi WA Sallam is absolutely Lawful.

    Isa son of Maryam A.S. submitted, 'O Allah our Lord, 'sends down to us a tray of food from the heaven so that it may be an occasion of rejoicing
For us, for the first and the last of us and a sign from You, and provide for us and you are the best of Providers. [Surah Al-Maidah, Verse 114]
The day when food is sent from skies is day of rejoicing (EID);
Then the day when soul of universe Peace be with him was born must be the delight for the day of rejoicing.

Look what Allah has said:

     And publicize well the favors of your Lord. [Surah Al-Duha, Verse 11]
Allah himself commemorates Milad in Holy Qur’an as we do in our gatherings, Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala Says in the Holy Qur’an:
  It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth that he may make it prevail over all other religions
 And Sufficient is Allah Subhanahu WA Ta as witness. [Surah Al-Fatiha, Verse 28]

    And remember when Isa son of Maryam, said, 'O children of Israel, I am Allah Subhanahu WA Ta's Messenger to you,
  Confirming the previous Book Turat before me and conveying the glad news of the Messenger who will come after me,
His name is Ahmad! ‘But when Ahmed came to them with bright signs, they said, 'this is an open magic.' [Surah As-Saff, Verse 6]

    Assuredly there has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your suffering; ardently desirous of your welfare,
And to Muslims is most Kind and Merciful. [Surah Tauba, Verse 128]

    Undoubtedly, Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala did a great favor to the Muslims that in them from among themselves sent a Messenger
Who recites unto them His signs and purifies them and teaches them the Book and wisdom,
And necessarily before that they were certainly in apparent error. [Surah Aal-e-Imran, Verse 164]

    O people! There has come an admonition to you from your Lord, and healing of hearts, and guidance and a mercy for the believers.
Say you, 'only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’aala' graces and only His mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice.
That is better than all their wealth. [Surah Al-Yunus, Verse 57/58]
And this is what we do, we celebrate; we rejoice; we do spend our money to show gratitude to Allah Almighty on his greatest mercy And Blessing
I.e. celebrations of Milad-un-Nabi because Qur’an Says:
      And We sent not you, but a mercy for all worlds. [Surah Al-Anbiyaa, Verse 107]

Allah Most High says regarding the disbelievers:
"Verily, from their Lord, that Day, will they be veiled?"(Surah al-Mutaffifen, V: 15)

This verse explains that the disbelievers will be deprived from the vision of Allah; hence by contrast,
 It implies that the believers will be blessed with this vision. Thus, Sayidina Imam Shafi' (Allah has mercy on him) said:

"Allah Most High's veiling Himself from a people (disbelievers) due to His displeasure indicates that a group (believers) will see Him due to His pleasure.
 By Allah, had Muhammad ibn Idrees (Shafi' himself) not been convinced that he will see his Lord in the hereafter,
He would not have worshipped him in this world!"

           Counter refutation of Wahabi/ Salafis Muslims, they say: Mawlid was not practiced or arranged by any of the Sahabi,
 Nor is there any proof of it being done by Tabieen, these are the Salaf whom we follow and choosing their way is the safest path.

Answer: There are many things which were not practiced by Sahabas and Tabieen,
But later Ullama derived rulings on them looking at the principles,
Therefore If anything does not contradict the principles of Shari`ah then it has always been allowed, for example the knowledge of Jirah WA Tadil in hadith, the knowledge of Asma ul Rijal etc.
The point is that their Asal is found in Sharia, similarly the Asal for rejoicing on Mawlid is found in Quran itself.

Question) Mawlid is Bidet al Dhalalah; the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said in rigorously authentic hadith that all bid’ah are misguidance
And all misguidance are in the fire.

Answer: This hadith is not general but rather specific as classical scholars have explained,
Such terminology is used in Sharia many times, for example Quran states:
"Verily you and what you worship apart from Allah are the fuel of hell" (Qur'an 21:98)

We all know that Jesus Isa A.S. is worshipped by Christians,
Now if we make this ayah general then Naudhobillah Jesus (Isa) A.S. shall become fuel of hell fire too (Audhobillah Min Dhalika),
Therefore we have to understand the reality behind words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam),
The Bid’ah which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) forbade were all new innovations which contradicted Sharia,
The dalil for this could be found in Sahih Bukhari

Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861: (Sahih Bukhari)
Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."

     The Important Usool
We know from many hadith that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) allowed new matters in deen, like few Sahabi recited Fatiha on bite of snake,
They had no knowledge of it from Prophet (saw), but on coming to Prophet (saw) it was approved,
Some people still argue that it was allowed in presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), whatever he allows and forbids we have to follow,
The answer to this is that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) could never contradict in his sayings,
 If he has laid down a principle that all innovations are evil in muttaqoon terms then there is no Jawaz of him accepting some himself?
 Hence it is necessary to check everything according to principles of Sharia.

One more answer to this is that Umar (Radiyallaahu anhu) called combining sahabas behind 1 Qari as "Na’imul Bid’ah (i.e. Excellent Bid’ah)"...
This is proof from Nass that every bid’ah is not bad,
On this some people also argue that Umar (Radiyallaahu anhu) was referring to Laghw Bid’ah not Shari’,
They are asked to bring proof from hadith itself that Umar (Radiyallaahu anhu) differentiated bid’ah between Laghw and Shari’ I,
Above all Usman (Radiyallaahu anhu) started the second Adhan for Jummah, Salafis reply to this as:
They were Khulafa ar rashideen and we are bound to follow them as hadith states so, the answer to this is same
I.e. had every bid’ah been evil then our pious predecessors would not have contradicted themselves.

When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) saw that the Jews in Medina were fasting on the 10th of Muharram
He asked them the reason why;
They told him this was the day on which the Pharaoh had drowned and Moses had been saved.
The Prophet said that it was more appropriate for him to fast on this day and ordered the Companions to do the same.

This shows that it is a good action to perform actions of faith as a sign of commemoration or thanksgiving on a day when blessings were received or on which a person was extricated from a dangerous situation.

Finally, it can be said that to celebrate the Mawlid with a number of different forms of worship and acts of charity as a sign of our love
And devotion to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is a religiously legitimate. Moreover,
It is clear that those scholars who opposed such celebrations were actually criticizing the unofficial attitudes and behavior that were seen, emphasizing that it was necessary to avoid the celebrations at which such behavior was exhibited.

Personally, we know every good that one has in life is through the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), upon him peace and blessings.
All beauty that you can imagine is in its human manifestation it is personified in the example, Person and conduct of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).
And then, when one earns for Allah, one realizes that the means,
The key and the door to Allah is the Messenger, upon him peace and blessings.

Celebration of Eid Milad nabi (peace and blessings upon him) is not
Only a praiseworthy event but Muslims considers the birth of Holy Prophet as greatest event in the human history for which they are Thankful to Allah, the creator.

Almost all of the renowned Islamic Scholars including grand Mufti of
Al Azar, the world largest Islamic university Egypt and grand Muftis
Of all Islamic countries, except Wahabi dominated Saudi Arabia has declared celebration on the occasion of birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) as means of forgiveness of sins.
Even in Asia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, America, U.K. and Indonesia conduct mass
Gatherings on this event in each and every city
The Prophet's birthday is a public holiday in 54 countries, including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
"Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only countries in the Middle East who do not recognize Mawlid an-Nabi (the Prophet's birthday) as a national holiday,"
Yes! We can celebrate al-Mawlid (Prophet Muhammad's Birth)
To date, I have not seen any of the School’s classical jurists condemning the practice.
Thus, the Shafi’ School’s official view is that the celebration of his (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) birthday is not just permissible, but recommended.

Accordingly, the modern Shafi’ scholars who have recommended this celebration include:
The former Sheikh of al-Azar University Hasanayn Makhluf, Dr. Muhammad Sa’id Ramadan al-Buti, Egypt’s official mufti Dr. Ali Jumuah, and the great scholar and spiritual guide, sayyidi al-Habib Umar ibn Hafidh, amongst many others.

I conclude with a saying of the Prophet, which has been narrated by Abu Ya ‘la, from Hudhayfa
And about which Ibn Kathir said, "Its chain of transmission is good." Abu Ya ‘la said,
The Prophet has said, "One of the things that concerns me about my nation is a man who studied the Quran,
And when its grace started to show on him and he had the appearance of a Muslim, he detached himself from it,
And threw it behind his back, and went after his neighbor with a sword and accused him of associating partners with Allah.
‘I then asked, "Oh, Prophet of Allah, which one is guiltier of associating partners with Allah, the accused or the accuser?
' The Prophet said, "It is the accuser.'"

Yes! We can celebrate al-Mawlid (Prophet Muhammad's Birth)
         Subhanak Allaahumma WA bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illaa anta astakhiruka WA atoobu ilayk
          If I said anything correct, then it is from Allah (subhanahu WA Ta’aala),
      And if I erred, then that is from me and Shaitan.
And Allah alone gives success.

Completed, with all Praises to Allah and salutations and peace be upon our master Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and his Companions.

"And peace on him on the day he was born, and on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life" Holy Quran 19:15

Allahumma salii ala Muhammadin WA Aal-e Muhammad
O God! Shower thy blessings on Muhammad and the descendents of Muhammad
As it is “Mawlid season”. I think we def need to have some information on this topic,
So people can read for themselves.

The Mawlid is done in seeking to get closer to Allah and his messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa alaihi wa sallam,
 Not for the nafs (I hope).

Why do we celebrate?
We would not have known Laa illah illallaah
Was it not for Muhammadur Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa alaihi wasallam?
 ...these words!

If a soul's last breath knew these words, it would surely be cause for celebration for that soul. That is the last breath of a person.

I cannot express it better than the words of Sayidina Abu Bakr RA.
When he learnt that The Beloved of God SAW would soon be returning to His SAW Lord SWT
Sayidina Abu Bakr RA in a state of extreme grief asked:
The Beloved SAW where the people would again find the holy companionship with The Beloved SAW again.
The Blessed fountain was the answer. Sayidina Abu Bakr RA replied:
"I'll be the first one there."

My aim is not to change the views of those who oppose the Mawlid,
But rather to create an environment of tolerance where individuals, both for and against it, can appreciate the stances of one another.
The fact that al-Imam ash-Shafi` differed with his teacher, al-Imam Malik,
Did not mean that he, ash-Shafi`, became hostile towards him.
Let not a mas’alah mukhtalaf Fihi be the cause of engaging in activity –
Such as speaking ill, backbiting, and so forth – these are haram by consensus.
And Allah alone gives success.     
 Subhanak Allaahumma WA bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illaa anta astakhiruka WA atoobu ilayk
      If I said anything correct, then it is from Allah (subhanahu WA Ta’aala),
      And if I erred, then that is from me and Shaitan.

    May Allah make us from the Companions of His Book and unite us with His righteous slaves in the highest gardens of Paradise. Amen.
May Allah Subhanawataala grant us what is best in this world and the next!
Action speaks louder then words my friend’s practice Islam the way of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) did.
 May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) help us to do that which He loves and which pleases Him?
May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) make our efforts sincere and keep us all on the straight path...........
Feel free to Share the information here with everyone you know
         P.S.: "Have fun praying don’t forget to make dua for me...

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