Friday 6 July 2012

Engage In Islamic Work For The Pleasure of Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)


      "Speaking what is good is better than silence, and silence is better than speaking evil."

 Islam is growing and now there are over 2,000 Mosques in UK.
But, is it the number of Muslims or the number of Mosques which reflects the true parameters in the strength of Islam?
Unless we build a community around the mosque to support and maintain the Mosque
And strengthen the community; the mosque itself will not protect the community.
Building a mosque is a prophetic and Islamic tradition of Muslim Communities.
 One of the first things that the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) did when he entered Medina is to build a mosque, after the mosque of Quba.

The late Mahmood Pasha al-Falaki of Egypt, the day when Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), the Messenger of Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), arrived in Quba was Monday, 8th of Rabi-I of the year 13 of the Proclamation, a date which corresponds to September 20, 622.
On the following Friday, 12th of Rabi-I (September 24), the Messenger of God left Quba, and entered Yathrib. He was lodged at the house of Abu Ayub, as already noted.
The Construction of the Mosque in Yathrib
The first act of Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and his Ahlul-Bait, upon arrival in Yathrib, was to build a mosque in which to worship Allah.
In front of the house of Abu Ayub there was a vacant lot which belonged to two orphans.
The Apostle summoned them and their guardians, and told them that he wanted to buy that land.
They told him that they would be very happy to make that land a gift to him.
 But he refused to accept it as a gift, and insisted on paying its price.
They eventually agreed to accept payment for their land. Payment was made and ground-breaking was begun immediately.
The Apostle did not want to take anyone's obligation. Who can claim to be more faithful to him than Abu Bakr? And he himself said that he was more grateful to Abu Bakr for his moral and material support than to anyone else. And yet, when Abu Bakr wished to make a present to him of a camel on the eve of their departure from Makkah to Yathrib, he did not accept it until he had paid Abu Bakr its price. Similarly, in Yathrib, when he wanted to buy land to build a mosque on it, its owners offered it to him as a gift. But he refused to accept it as a gift. The land was acquired only when its owners agreed to accept its price from him which he paid.
The mosque of Yathrib was the ultimate in simplicity of conception and design. The material used in its construction was unbaked bricks and mortar for the walls, and date fronds for the roof which was supported by trunks of palm trees. The alcove of the mosque pointed toward Jerusalem in the north. Each of the other three sides was pierced by a gate. The floor of the mosque had no covering at the beginning, not even coarse matting. Two huts were also built on the outer wall, one for Sauda the daughter of Zama'a; and the other for Aishah, the daughter of Abu Bakr, the two wives of the Prophet at the time. New huts were built for new wives as they came in later years. It was the first time when Muslims worked as a team in a community project. In the years to come, this team was to build the mighty edifice of Islam.
Inspired by the presence of the Messenger of God, every one of the Companions was vying to outdo the others

....Subsequently wherever the Muslim's have gone, they have built a Mosque for their needs in that community.
Mosque is symbolically very important to Muslims, and is a humble way for man to recreate pure divine presence on earth. 
But mosques are not built according to what is believed to be divine patterns, even if they are not divinely guided, or after very clear rules, except on some view points.  It shall have a clear indication of the direction of the Makkah, qibla.  Serving as a place of prayer and devotion, a Masjid (mosque) is referred to as the “House of Allah".  It is recognized as a distinctive symbol of Islam and has served as an institution in which the focal point of religious and social activities are combined beautifully and with conscious relevance to please Allah.  On the days of Eid, the Masjid is a place of festivity.  On the days of Janazah, it is a place in which we are reminded that we shall all return to Allah and not to that which awaits us.  On the Day of Judgment, when it is said there will be no shade anywhere, Allah will keep that person under the shade of His heaven (Throne) whose heart is devoted to the Masjid.

       Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said that one should travel only for visiting 3 Masjid, Masjid Al-Haram, Masjid Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem) and the Prophet's own Masjid in Madinah.  In addition, the Prophet said that one prayer in his own Masjid "was better than one thousand prayers in any other Masjid except Masjid Al-Haram."  Clearly, the Masjid has been designated as a place of primary importance for the Muslim for the worship of Allah.
The word "mosque" literally means a place of prostration.  ) In Arabic, and in the Qur’an, the proper word is Masjid, derived from the word 'sadj' which means the place where one prostrates oneself.  Masjid is a place of assembly, where all Muslims are called five times a day to pray during the time of Salah. However, the whole world has been made a Masjid for the believer, therefore a Muslim is free to perform Salah wherever he or she likes.  In fact, Prophet Mohammed stated that the best place of prayer for a sister is in her house, though she should not be restricted from going to the Masjid.

 How to run a Mosque
Most mosques hold, at one time or another, elections for new masjid committees/ mosque's trustees.
 The question often arises of what sort of persons should be nominated and then elected- i.e. mosque’s trustees /Masjid committees.
 In this regard the Book of Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) gives us clear guidance. In unequivocal terms it tells us:

        "Only those shall maintain the mosques of Allah who believe in Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)
 And the last day, establish regular prayer and practice regular charity and fear none (at all) except God. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance." (9:18)

Since the main function of the Masjid committees will be to maintain the mosque, it is clear that its members should fulfill the three conditions mentioned in the above verse, i.e.
   1) Belief in Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) and the hereafter
   2) Practice of regular prayer and regular charity
   3) Fearing none but Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)

Let me explain these conditions in some detail and see how we can recognize those who fulfill them.
After reading this explanation, many will probably feel that there is hardly anyone in their community who fulfils the above conditions in their entirety.
But while this is most likely the case, we should not make it a reason to ignore the Quranic guidance.
 If we cannot find brothers and sisters who fulfill the above conditions in their entirety,
 We should nominate and elect those who come closest to doing so.

   Belief in Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) and the hereafter
Those who fulfill the first condition mentioned in the Quranic verse are not primarily motivated by the desire to gain importance or power in the community or by any other similar worldly desire.
They engage in Islamic work for the pleasure of Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)
 (I.e. not for the pleasure of anything that is not Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) for jannah (eternal bliss): In the hereafter and for their inner satisfaction in this life.
A sign of such people is that they will not go after projects whose main attraction is a glamour value, e.g. building a mosque whether or not it is the most needed project, only in order to be able to say to the community: "look! We, too, have built a mosque".

Those who have genuine faith in Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) and the hereafter will not concentrate on projects whose results can be seen quickly and in tangible form.
They will go, rather, for the projects that the community really needs.
A mosque's trustees are responsible for everything that happens in it, including the appointment of an imam.
. He should safeguard the income and property of the Masjid, meeting the necessary expenses and avoiding unnecessary expenditure.
These days’ funds are generally squandered on expenses which have no importance in the Shariah, but are merely spent because unenlightened trustees deem them to be imperative.
These people should fear Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), for on the Day of Resurrection they will be accountable for every penny.
The trustees of the Masjid must take the onus upon themselves to consult the Ulamã regarding the detailed rulings pertaining to these expenses and the running of the Masjid in general.
 He must keep a proper record of all the income and expenditure of the Masjid.
….According to the best of means, a proper Imam must be appointed. If however, instead of a competent person,
An unfit and inefficient person is appointed to serve the community
And Deen at large then the warning sounded in the following Hadith should be heeded to;
RasulAllah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, whoever appoints someone to a post whereas within his sphere of influence
There are more deserving persons; he has betrayed Almighty Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), His Nabi and the Muslims in general.
It is of paramount importance for the trustee to ensure the performance of the five daily Salah in congregation
And always strive towards increasing the number of congregation in the Masjid.
Each trustee must look sincerely into these duties and exert his utmost efforts towards achieving these.
Special care must be exercised in the appointment of an Imam.

For example we learn from the following advice of imam Hasan al-Basri:
When Umar ibn Abdul Aziz became caliph, he wrote to Hassan al-Basri to write him the description of a just Imam, and Hassan wrote him:
"Know, commander of Believers, that God has made the just Imam the prop of every learner, the straightened of every deviator, the reform of all corrupt, the strength of all weak, the justice of all oppressed, the refuge of all who are pitied. The just Imam, O commander of Believers, is like a herdsman, solicitous for the camels he tends, desiring the sweetest pasture for them, driving them away from any dangerous grazing place, protecting them from beast of prey, and shielding them from the harms of heat and cold.
And the just Imam, commander of the Believers, is the guardian of the orphan, and the treasury of the poor, fostering the little ones, and providing for the old ones. The just Imam, Commander of Believers, is as the heart is to the members of the body: all are sound when it is sound, and all corrupt when it is corrupt. The just Imam, commander of Believers, stands intermediary between God and His servants; hearkening to God's words, and making them hearken; looking to God, and making them to look; obedient to God and making them obedient.
Therefore commander of Believers, act not in what God the Mighty and Glorious has given you like a slave whose master has trusted him and given into his care his wealth and his children, who then squanders his master's wealth and drives his children away, and reduces the family to poverty and scatters their fortune.
And know, commander of the Believers, that God has sent down (His prescription for) the legal punishments to chide (people) away from wickedness and immorality. How shall it be, if he, who administers them, deserves them? And He sent down (the law of) retaliation to give life to His servants. How will it be if the man who gives them retaliation puts them to death?
Remember, O commander of Believers, death and what comes after it, and how few partisans you have there, or aids against it. Therefore make provision for death, and against the greater terror which follows it.
And know, commander of Believers, that there is a place for you other than the place where you are now. Your stay there will be long, and your friends will be separated from you. You will be committed to its depths as a completely solitary individual. Therefore, make provision of what you may take with you - 'On the day when a man shall flee from his brother, his mother, his father, his consort, his sons' (80:36), and remember, commander of Believers, 'When that which is within the tombs shall be cast out, and that which is in the breasts exposed' (100:9), when secrets are made manifest, and 'The record leaves nothing, great or small, without numbering it' (18:49).
And now, commander of Believers, you are in leisure, before the dissolution of death and the serving of hope. Therefore commander of Believers, do not give judgment among the servants of God according to the usages of pre Islamic period (bi hokum al jahilan), and do not travel the way of transgressors with them, and do not put he arrogant in power over the humble, for such will not watch over any believer or the protected religious groups (dhimma), so that you will have to acknowledge your own faults and the faults of others, and bear your own burdens and other burdens too. Do not be deceived by those who would lead a pleasant like by causing damage to you, and eat the good things of this world by causing the good things of your afterlife to disappear. And do not regard your power in this world, but look toward what will be your power when you are captive in the bonds of death, and forced to stand before God Most High in the company of the angels and prophets and apostles, and faces are turned to the Living and Self-subsisting One.
And I, O commander of Believers, though I have not attained by my rigors what prudent men attained before me, yet have not desisted from offering you solicitude and advice, sending you my letter as a doctor causes a beloved friend to drink disagreeable medicine, because he hopes to offer him health and soundness.
And peace be upon thee, O commander of the Believers, and the mercy of God, and His blessing."
… [Source: Williams (1971), Themes of Islamic Civilization, from, Al Iqd al Farid, Cairo, 1953]

The following are the cardinal requirements for an Imam;
1. He should be well verses in relevant masail pertaining to Imãmat and Salah.
2. He must have mastered Tajweed rules to facilitate correct recitation of Qir’ãt in Salah.
3. He should adhere to the Fara’idh, Wãjibãt, Sunnah and Mustahabãt.
4. He must refrain from Haram and Makroohãt.
If the correct choice of an Imam cannot be made, a reliable Ãlim should be asked to interview a potential candidate.
To use only a beautiful voice as a yard-stick in choosing an Imam is pure ignorance.
However, if together with the above cardinal requirements, the Imam also possesses a beautiful voice then this will be an added asset.
Once the right Imam has been appointed, due respect should be shown to him.
He must not be considered a personal subordinate of the trustee. He is the leader and should be followed.
This should always be kept in mind. Such a salary should be stipulated for him that will enable him to lead a decent and peaceful life.
Stinginess should never be shown with regard to this issue.
If there is a need, other expenses should be curtailed but a low and unreasonable salary should never be given to the Imam or Muazzin.
If negligence prevails, it should be borne in mind that man is often forced to fulfill his basic needs by other means.
 The Muslim Jurists have stated that if someone commits himself to the service of a community, it is Wãjib upon them that they meet his expenses.

When the Imam stands up to reform the masses,
It is incumbent upon the trustees to jointly shoulder the cart and assist him to achieve his religious goal.
In the event of the ignorant public raising objections and undue criticism against the Imam,
 It is the duty of the trustees to stop them.
If people disapprove of his propagation of the truth and the musallis decrease, they should first be made to understand.
If they persist in their disapproval, then they should be ignored, because it is better to have a few abiding to the Sunnah and the Shariah rather than a deviated crowd.
The Imam must have freedom of expression; he should never be hindered by the trustees.
Some trustees dislike and are offended by the Imam’s mentioning of any vices or faults in which they are involved,
 They thus prevent the Imam from such lectures.
Such an attitude leads to severe sins, as they will also be considered amongst those subjected to the severe warnings given in the following verses;
 “They prevent others from the path (deen) of Allah.” “Who can be more unjust than he who prevents the Name of Allah being taken in the house of Allah?”
The trustees should never interfere in the Imam’s Ibadah, lectures and religious services.
According to the Shariah the trustee have no right of intervention?
His responsibility is to see to the proper maintenance and functioning of the Masjid,
So why are we failing the new generation?
Many mosques are failing the communities they serve,
Just because a few people build a Mosque does not mean that they are 'worthy' of running it.
If I built an Islamic School, does that mean that I am worthy of running it even though I may know nothing about Islam and teaching?
 If I built a Hospital, does that mean I am qualified to run it, even though I know nothing about medicine?

Those people 'worthy' of running Mosques should be people of very high caliber.
Those who:  possess professional qualifications in Islam and (preferably) a worldly degree too.
Those who: is honest, reliable, helpful, willing to accommodate changes.
 Those who: see a Mosque as more than a: prayer building, who reaches out to the community.
Those who are not: afraid to speak up for Muslim here or abroad.
These are not (necessarily) those who built the Mosque.
What we have in most of our Mosque…
Friday prayer sermons are mostly conducted in a language other than English;
It is only the better-resourced mosques that can afford an imam who is proficient in English.
Highly mobile though our society is, why should British-born Muslims, who feel most comfortable speaking English,
Converts, who would just like to know more on Islam, have to travel outside their communities to larger urban centers for access to religious guidance,
When one of Britain’s 1,200—2000 mosques may well be on their doorstep?
Young Muslim women suffer two-fold; many mosques, including some of the largest ones in Britain,
Have inadequate prayer facilities for women at best, or no facilities at all.
More than half the British Muslim population is aged fewer than 25, and more than half of all British Muslims were born here.
Although mosque attendance amongst young Muslims in Britain is still relatively low, it’s on the increase.
In the face of this growing demand, there is a real need to develop the kind of mosque that sits comfortably within a democratic,
Secular, multi-faith Britain and which reflects the greater ownership young Muslims should feel over their local communities and country.
British-born and British-educated Muslims should take the lead on developing this.
    More mosques are starting to cater for the needs of the youth,
But trying to make all youth into Alims and Alimas, I believe, is not the solution.
The Imams job is to represent, guide and lead Muslims and to be a role model to the community.
However, there is some sort of taboo associated with going to an Ãlim or Mullah for advice, especially amongst the youth.
I don’t think there is enough guidance out there for Muslim youth.
It’s a case of getting the youth more involved,
Making them believe that they have a place within Islam, which goes beyond beards and veils?

Imams are employees of the mosque and they are recruited and controlled by management committees,
Which are largely dominated by first-generation elders? Mosque religious leadership cannot be addressed without rethinking this.
A whole wealth of ideas, energy and experience exists out there, particularly among women
And young people, and this needs to be harnessed into reinvigorating mosque life.
Imams at British mosques have let down a generation of young Muslims by failing to reach young people, who sometimes end up in prison,
Imams must balance the needs of all members of their congregation, of varying ages and both genders.
An imam’s role already often extends beyond leading prayers to religious and counseling services, teaching in supplementary schools (madras’s) and leading study circles for young people. In short: a highly engaged, more pastoral role than is traditionally performed in the Indian subcontinent. In Britain,
 Imams need to be able to understand and actively address everyday concerns, about both perceived and actual inequalities and discrimination, as well as the mainstream understanding of Islam in this country.
They need to deal with issues inside Muslim communities like forced marriage, extremism and language barriers too,
Their responsibility is leading ceremonies for the dead, starting with the ritual washing of the body in the mosque and ending with prayers by the grave. As well as concerns, that affects all British citizens, ranging from social welfare, to British foreign policy and the credit crunch.
Such a role requires a level of commitment to British values and a grasp of British political
And social life that many imams simply don’t have, because most in Britain today were born and trained overseas.
 I see the Imam' role as a guide friend and teacher to lead prayers as well as educate, a key figure in the Community to answer all queries
And be there to guide the Muslim community, in Prayer, in times of need, Islamic studies as well as teaching them Morals relating to all aspects of life.
He should be approachable.
The secret of the welfare and success of humanity lies in learning the good morals.
This is why the profession of teaching has been considered the most sacred of the professions.
Our beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Mustafa Sallallaahu Ta’aala 'alayhi WA Salaam made it clear when he said:
"He would be the greatest of the generous people after me who acquired knowledge and disseminated it".
                Muslim adviser to Her Majesty’s Prison Service, which manages most prisons in England and Wales, said: that the Muslim population behind bars in Britain has rocketed to 10,600 in 2011 from 1,957 in 1991.
Muslims represent 12.6 percent of the total prison population in England and Wales compared with a proportion of about three percent of the general population.
He described it as “a tragedy” and pointed the finger at out-of-touch imams who were often recruited from countries in the Middle East to work in the U.K. But many of them, he said, could speak hardly a word of English.
“It is a tragedy,” adviser said. “I have seen youngsters, the next generation; just totally switch off from it (religion).
This is dangerous. It allows others to take advantage, to take up the vacuum.”
‘That too many imams were concerned only with the rituals of faith,
such as the correct length of the beard, rather than making mosques more attractive to young men and women.
   If you can't speak English you will find this difficult to do.
   What is needed from Imams?
 “Hundreds of imams and mosques have to wake up to the dangers faced by the youth and should start preaching solutions and remedies against them.
 They should start and take their message out to the youth...
Where there is local authority support, specific projects should be set up in mosques, madras’s [schools]
And Muslim community centers, Dawa center to tackle crime and drugs.
The reality is that most Mosques are run by 'elders', who think that the Mosque (property) belongs to them as they built it.
Where as the property' belongs to Allah, and the community who gave the funds.
No wonder some Mosques have court rulings on them as people fight to see who 'owns' the Mosque.
Since 'elders' built it, they claim that they can govern it in any way they choose and nominate whoever they see fit to run it.
Mainly some 'illiterate' person from their village (brotherly system), who knows little (if any English) and nothing about the issues here in the UK. Mosques are run (down) in the same way as back home.
A lot of Muslim youth from various different backgrounds are dispersed
And make up gangs or crews within themselves in their community.
They need an identity and a sense of belonging.
With a lot of the youth there is this identity crisis and so something to unite
All the Muslims together from all the different backgrounds and communities
Like one big crew would really help a lot of the youth from hanging about the streets and keep them out of trouble.
The Imams role is to lead the prayers, and also to support and offer Islamic knowledge and guidance to his fellow Muslims.
But, they are like… unapproachable. Imams need to make them self’s more approachable to the youth.
There needs to be more support for Muslim youth and a stronger link needs to be made between the youth, The Imam and the mosque. Youth need guidance and someone to go to when they are in difficulty.
Someone they can trust and liaise with. The youth have got to be brought back to Islam through its beauty; they have to be attracted to it.
The Imam's job is to know our religion and uphold Islam.
Not just stay within the mosque. It’s not only about leading the prayer and scaring everyone that if they make a mistake and sin then they are doomed to be in hell forever.
An Imams role is about mixing within the community, and most definitely there needs to be some playing field between the Imam and youth.
There has to be this level of understanding between the two… almost like a relationship.
Imam Sahib has a very important role to play within the local Muslim community,
Some Imams are more knowledgeable /educated than others; some meet the needs of the congregation very well and spread the message of Islam well,
Sadly there are some Imams who are not able to do their job properly for instances are not Bi-lingual other than Urdu/Punjabi etc
 Hence may not get the message across and to some it’s just a job.
It says a lot that today Masjid committees run the mosques instead of the imams, who are the learned.
Maybe the Imams should run the mosques and the committees led Jamaat and teach?
 Will we be better off (NO/YES), definitely if you think about it? He! He! He!
……Let’s look at the Pillars' of our communities….
What we have for our youth as example is.......
Pillars' of our communities
Some of these 'elders' have dubious backgrounds and are not exactly 'pillars' of our communities.
But they are on the Mosque committee because they weld power (have vast sums of Money which is not Halal). They are: resistant to changes as if a suggestion made by a concerned individual will amount to their committee position being under threat.
They are unreliable, know nothing about Islam itself, and let alone what is happening outside the Mosque doors.
Their arrogant behaviour: is NOT as that expected from a 'wise bearded elder' whom one could respect.
They are responsible for the poor condition of our community because they do not lecture the high morals expected from a Muslim and turn a blind eye to those who lie, cheat, defraud the system.
Instead they concentrate upon how Allah 'forgives' no matter what you do.
Then they have the audacity to blame 'state schools ‘or the 'society' for our ills when a portion of the blame rests squarely with the Muslim community themselves.
Those who are concerned about the Mosque have a tough time dealing with these management committees and I have seen highly qualified PHD holders 'throw in the towel' as they could not argue with 'these illiterates'.
The mosque is naturally a place where any Muslim can seek refuge in Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) and perhaps get some peace from the outside world.
Maybe if there were more youth clubs or you know places where young Muslim’s could chill - just to get away from things - it would mean there would be less young Muslims hanging around street corners… or in bars.
Mosques should also hold study circles for the general public,
Where you don’t necessarily have to learn the hardcore stuff about Islam,
But can talk about issues affecting a normal Muslim living in this society.
Most of the mosques here in the UK don’t even have facilities for the sisters.
Some mosques aren’t even constructed to give sisters any space in the mosque so how are they going to provide anything for them?
Also the role of an Imam is so much more than leading the Salaah.
They have to attend to the communities needs and to the youth.
They are there as a guider, advisor and listener, helping you get closer to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) and better yourself in your faith.
Setting up your own Mosque is not the answer my friend.
Apart from the practicalities of getting finance, planning permission, etc, etc,
Why should you take the cowardly approach to setup another Mosque when many already exist in the neighbor hood, which could do with a person 'make-over’?

Learn from Qur’an:
The Messenger of Allah possesses many manifest miracles and signs demonstrating [his veracity], reaching thousands and they are well known.
From amongst them was the Qur'an, the manifest and clear miracle and brilliant proof, falsehood cannot approach it from before it or behind it. It is a revelation from One Who is All-Wise and Praiseworthy. It incapacitated the most eloquent of people in the most eloquent of times to produce a single chapter that would be comparable to it, even if the whole of creation were to gather for that purpose. Allah, the Exalted says,
"Say: If the whole of mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they assisted each other." [Al-Isra' (17): 88]

It challenged them to this despite their large numbers, their eloquence and their severe enmity, and it challenges them to this day.
"The One Who created the universe and made its operation dependent on certain laws that He established, is certainly able to change those laws for His special, beloved servant and envoy---Ya HabibAllah Peace and Blessings Upon him and his household"
       If I said anything correct, then it is from Allah (Subhanahu WA Ta’aala),
      And if I erred, then that is from me and Shaitan.
May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) make us from the Companions of His Book and unite us with His righteous slaves in the highest gardens of Paradise. Amen.
May Allah Subhanahu wata`aalaa grant us what is best in this world and the next!
Action speaks louder then words my friend’s practice Islam the way of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) did.
 May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) help us to do that which He loves and which pleases Him?
May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) make our efforts sincere and keep us all on the straight path...........
Feel free to Share the information here with everyone you know
         P.S.: "Have fun praying don’t forget to make Dua for me...


Anonymous said...

MashALLAH Absolutely awesome!!

Local Masjids do not do enough to attract the youngster the next generation of muslims into Islam if anything they scare them away! when i was small and learning Quran in mosque if i made a mistake i would get beat up and i hated going mosque!! These elders are complete lost cases they do not know how to teach children and always scare us away.

You said "The secret of the welfare and success of humanity lies in learning the good morals"

MashALLAH this is Incredibly True!!
I recommned a book for anyone out there it is called Two Treatises Mutual Reminding Good Manners by Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad who was a 12 th century Mujadid! i have the book but not yet personally read it myself but i have read his other book the book of assistance and SubhanALLAH what a Awesome book!!

Another Awesome Blog!! Mazaa Ay gaya! :-) InshALLAH i will spread this post on many links via facebook and try and attract more ppl to this Superb Blog!

sha G - Super Zindabaad!

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