Wednesday 14 December 2011

Definition of a Muslim is to bow down to the will of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), to submit to Him and to Him alone.

I Seek refuge in Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), from the Shaitan.
      Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)’s name I begin, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
      All praise be to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), Lord of the worlds,
      Who has disposed all matters through His arrangements thereof?
      Who has fairly composed His creation and given it excellent form, good structure and proportion.
    And may blessings and salutation be invoked upon Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), the bondsman of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD),
May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) make us all from those whose deeds are done in accordance with the Sunnah, deeds that are done sincerely for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)?

"Whoever seeks a path in search of knowledge, Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) would make easy for him.
Everyone who seeks Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) with his whole heart and with a sincere attitude will find Him.
In brief, it may be justifiably claimed that the Islamic theory of knowledge was responsible for blossoming of a culture of free inquiry and rational scientific thinking that also encompassed the spheres of both theory and practice.  
This picture depicts an aspect of modern technology.
Modern technology would not have advanced the way it has had it not been for Islamic culture.

"Whoever seeks a path in search of knowledge, Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) would make easy for him a path leading to Jannah (paradise)." (Abu Dawud)

Acquiring knowledge of Allah is the most important obligation on every Muslim because Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) ordered seeking knowledge
(I.e.: the knowledge of Himself) prior to declaration of the Shahadah.
He said: And know that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah then seeks forgiveness for your sins... [Al-Quran 47: 19]

 Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) raises the level of those who believe and those who are endowed with knowledge. [Al-Quran 58:11]
To emphasize seeking knowledge before doing any action, Imam Al-Bukhari used the above verse as a basis for a chapter in his all famous Sahih.
He entitles that chapter: "Knowledge before speech and action". Book of Knowledge: [Sahih Bukhari Vol: 1 Ch 11]

According to the Qur'an, the first teaching class for Adam A.S. started soon after his creation and Adam A.S. was taught 'all the Names'.
 Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) is the first teacher and the absolute guide of humanity.
This knowledge was not imparted to even the Angels
He forbade that knowledge be concealed, as it is an obligation for each person to seek it.
The Messenger of Islam, Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Whoever conceals knowledge would be muzzled on the Day of Resurrection with a muzzle of Fire."

Sound approach to acquiring knowledge is a must.
As any scientist knows, the best way to learn science is to do science.
This is the only way to get to the real business of asking questions, conducting investigations, collecting data, and looking for answers.
One who acts without knowledge is like one who travels off the path; and the one who acts without knowledge corrupts more than he rectifies.
So seek knowledge in a way that does not harm your worship, and seek to worship [Allah] in a way that does not harm [your seeking of] knowledge.

For verily, there were people, who sought to worship [Allah] but abandoned knowledge until they attacked the“One who loves for the sake of Allah– with their swords.
But if they had sought knowledge, it would not have directed them to do what they did.-Al-Hasan Al-Basri – Allah have mercy on him.

His desire for knowledge should not let him get carried away collecting information randomly.
This may afford him some measure of “culture”, but it does not lead to any real knowledge. 
You want to make sure that you have a structured approach to seeking knowledge that brings benefit, result and moves you forward.
The Prophet Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) once said that Muslims should "seek knowledge, from the cradle to the grave." Education is a life-long endeavor,

“One who loves for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) alone and hates for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) alone; and whatever he gives for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) alone; and whatever he withholds, withhold for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) alone, indeed, he perfects his Iman.” (Abu Dawood).

Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) explains that to be a true believer ones love and enmity, affections,
Relations and transactions should have only one purpose; to seek Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)’s pleasure.

Without this one’s Iman will not be complete.
The greater the deficiency: in this respect, the more defective the Iman.
Even today we see that only those are considered real and true followers of a creed or ideology who are loyal to it with their heart and soul.
Every creed in the world desires such adherents and no creed can prevail in the world except through such followers.
However, there is a difference between Islam and other creeds and ideologies.
Although others demand from men total loyalty and dedication, they in fact have no such right upon him, their claims are entirely unjustified.

But Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), for whom Islam demands the sacrifice of life, has a right upon us.
Everything must be given in this way, for whatever exists in the heaven and on earth belongs to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD).
Man himself and whatever he possesses, and whatever lies within him, all belong to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD).
It is therefore in perfect harmony with justice as well as reason that whatever belongs to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) must be reserved only for Him.
 Whatever sacrifice is made for Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) is in reality a payment of what is due.
Let us examine our lives by the crucial criteria, of Iman and Islam as laid down by the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam) of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD).
If we claim that we have accepted Islam, have we oriented our living and our dying towards Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) only?
Are we living for this cause alone?
Are our hearts and minds, our bodies and souls, our time and efforts devoted to the fulfillment of  Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)’s wishes?

Have we made our likes and dislikes totally subordinate to the wishes of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)?
If we love anyone is it really for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). ?
 If we dislike anyone, is that too for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). ?
 Do we give and withhold only for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). ?
 Are we spending on ourselves and giving wealth to other people, or withholding the same because that is what Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD).  Wants?
Is our motive nothing but to gain the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD)?

If we find such a state of faith and submission within ourselves, we should thank Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). That He has bestowed upon us the blessing of Iman in its fullness.
 And if we feel any deficiency, we must give up every other concern and worry and concentrate wholly on remedying this deficiency.
For on its removal depends our well being in this world as well as success in the Hereafter.

Do not use this criterion to test or judge others and determine whether they are Muslims or hypocrites of Kafirs; use it only to judge ourselves and if we detect any deficiency, try to remove it before we meet Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). 
Islam has several unique features which can be confirmed through deeper study:
Islam is the only religion whose sources have remained free of human alteration and interference.
Its divinely revealed scripture is in harmony with established facts of science, clearly bearing the signature of the Creator of this universe.
Islam provides answers to the essential fundamental questions which occur to the mind of every intelligent person, those related to the purpose of creation and life, and concerning a further existence after death.
Islam is the only religion which insists upon worship of the Creator alone and completely rejects the worship of any aspect of creation.
So along with actually practicing the character a Muslim should have, he/she is also teaching it to others, but on a general plane, regardless of the person's religious preference

We Muslims will be very happy in the eternal world to come. 
We will not only enjoy all the blessings of Paradise but above all reap Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). ’s supreme reward and that is to be able to see Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). , our Creator and Sustainer:

 “The believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil:
 They observe regular prayers practice regular charity and obey Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) and Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) His Messenger. 
On them will Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD). Pour His mercy: for Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) is exalted in power Wise.
Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD):  has promised the believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss.
  But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah: that is the supreme success.” (Qur’an 9:71-72)

Never stop seeking Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD).
The definition of a Muslim is to bow down to the will of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD), to submit to Him and to Him alone.
.Action speaks louder then words my friend’s practice Islam the way of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) did.

 Salutation be invoked upon Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
 May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) help us to do that which He loves and which pleases Him?
May Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’aala (GOD) make our efforts sincere and keep us all on the straight path...........
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P.S.: "Have fun praying don’t forget to make dua for me

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